Saturday, October 29, 2011

I've got an idea!

We've been working hard and the light bulbs above our heads have finally lit up!  Literally, because we got our electricity turned on this week.  We have a brand new electrical box with 200 amp service.  This may not seem like a big deal, but look back through our projects and just think about how much easier some of it could be with electricity.

This came at a good time, because we were definitely having a hard time finding things to work on that didn't require power tools.  You can only do so much with a battery powered sawzall and a hand saw.  Many batteries have been charged in our car over the course of this project.

I don't have a picture of the new box yet, but these are the old ones:

We are taking this week off, but will be working hard again next week.  I really would like to finish the bathroom before Christmas and get some electrical wiring done soon.  Having electricity has opened up so many new projects we will be busy for a while now.  

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