Monday, October 17, 2011

House Updates

Even though progress is slow, we are getting a lot of much needed work done.  While Ryan has been working on Pex tubing for our plumbing, I spent much of the weekend digging out the crawlspace and insulating the exterior walls of the crawlspace.  

Our plumbing was laying on the crawlspace floor in some places so it needed to be dug out.  We unloaded enough dirt that we can crawl under the plumbing if necessary.  

It looks like the previous owners may have had problems with freezing pipes.  Since we don't know how often the house will be fully heated, we decided it would be best to insulate as much as possible.

We were lucky enough to have some extra helpers this weekend, including my brother.  He worked on digging out extra garbage from the crawlspace.  It seems like we will never be able to keep up with the garbage left in every nook and cranny.   

We are almost done with plumbing the downstairs and we can start thinking about laying the floors back down.  We also worked on leveling out the beams under the bathroom and kitchen so that there aren't any low spots.  

It was nice to have a weekend of smaller projects we could check off of our list.   Up next: laying floors in the bathroom, building walls for the bathroom, and moving an exterior door.

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