Monday, April 23, 2012

Dirty Jobs - Drywall Edition

The bathroom and the majority of the kitchen have drywall!  Ryan also finished running the plumbing for the shower this weekend.  Here is a picture of the shower with our new fixtures partially installed (the purple drywall is moisture resistant):

 This is a view of the bathroom looking out from the shower.  The door is to the left.  Our camera makes the walls look crooked, but I promise they don't look like that in person!  Under the light we will have our vanity (that I scored for less than $40!) and to the right will be the toilet.  We also got a great deal on a new light fixture that will have 3 lights and will brighten the room:

This view is from where the vanity will be and is looking into a opening in the drywall.  The wall is very thick on this side of the house and there used to be a shelf in here.  We are making a new shelf with a tile back on it that we will post soon!  You can also see that we put in a 6" wall next to the bathtub so we could run plumbing upstairs for the second bathroom:

Ryan worked very hard on installing the plumbing on the backside of the shower:

We finished this wall as well as the one on the left with the new window:

We got a lot more done than we originally thought we could, so we are extremely happy with the progress!  That's all for this week, thanks for reading :)

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